Sunday, November 26, 2006


The Creative Journey Game

The Creative Journey is an adventure in self discovery and creative problem solving. This process is a way of identify your journey, of seeing the ongoing thread, theme or pattern to life’s trek. It permits you to see the linkage between events and people in a way that provides of meaning about self and others. This contributes to personal well-being and a greater sense of direction and control in life. As you design the game board and game pieces you clarify moments from the past and outline the future. When you tell a story of your game you link to the past and are able to see the patterns of your response to life’s challenges and opportunities. sharing the story of it with others can help you understand the context of your life journey.

This is my game board created at first presentation of game at Maureen Carlson's Creativity Center in Jordan, MN. Game board is divided into three parts:The Call to Adventure (upper right)The Adventure (bottom half)Return Home (upper left)
My intent was to discover what feeds my body and soul.

This is Famina, my hero character. She is looking for food for her body, mind and spirit. Her mentor has gifted her with two gathering baskets for her journey. A gourd that holds food and water; and a heart shaped basket that holds attention, affection, appreciation, validation, and love.

Famina trips over a stone on her path and stubs her toe causing her pain. This is her mentor who offers her words of wisdom and encouragement and gifts her with the baskets.The threshold guardian is the turtle.

Famina gets blocked by the Chocolate Madonna who invites her to stop her search and indulge in sweet, gooey chocolate.

Near the end of the adventure Famina encounters the Black Hole Bowl and the Mirror of Reflection.

During another presentation of the class I created two new characters. Once you begin the game process the story and characters continue to develop


The Creative Journey Game

The Creative Journey is an adventure in self discovery and creative problem solving. This process is a way of identify your journey, of seeing the ongoing thread, theme or pattern to life’s trek. It permits you to see the linkage between events and people in a way that provides of meaning about self and others. This contributes to personal well-being and a greater sense of direction and control in life. As you design the game board and game pieces you clarify moments from the past and outline the future. When you tell a story of your game you link to the past and are able to see the patterns of your response to life’s challenges and opportunities. sharing the story of it with others can help you understand the context of your life journey.

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